The Mapranam Holy Cross Church is situated just 20 Kms. away from Azhikode - that has roots to the emergence of Christianity in India. The Church, which is part of the Irinjalakuda Diocese is a historically renowned and noted Pilgrim Centre ideally located in the enchanting rural ambience of Kerala. One of the oldest Churches, founded in 928 AD, it was recently renovated (1989) and attracts worshippers beyond the religious barriers. It is perhaps for the first time in the history of the world that a religious Sanctum has combined and practiced the culture, spiritual and ethical values of different religions- especially Christianity, Hinduism and Islam. The Church is already accepted and acknowledged by masses across the region and serves as a parent institution to several Churches that belong to the localities such as Irinjalakuda Cathedral (The head Quarters of Irinjalakuda Diocese) Porathussery, Karuvannur, Chenmmanda, Karalam, Pallissery, Kuzhikkattukon, Pullur, Thanissery, Thuravankunnu etc..
Established almost eleven centuries back, people believe that the Church is a monument that unfolds the rich annals of the past. Historically, the place was known as Mahabrahmanapuram - a place inhibited by Brahmins with several Hindu temples in and around. The locality was demarcated diagonally with places like Kuzhikkattukon, Madayikon, Thaliyakon and Pichampillikon. Incidentally "kon" means corner.
The popular sayings about the origin of the Church is noteworthy. According to some, a Cross was unearthed from the Kuzhikkattukon locality and placed there. Certain locals objected the placement of the Cross and raised concerns. Unbelievable, a heavy downpour occurred the same night in the locality and once the rain subsided the Cross was found floating in a nearby the present Church Mapranam. It was immediately placed near the same well- the present sanctity.
Another popular belief is that local rulers of the region were always involved in territorial disputes and civil wars. It is said that some of the rulers engaged "Nasranis" (Christians) to face of the challenges they experienced and as a token of their service, built the Church and handed over to them. Yet another belief is associated with Trade. It is said that a port, named Kondhipulam on the Eastern part of the locality was open for trade and commerce. The ruling King allowed "Christians" to conduct trade in the region and as a token of service allotted the ground to build the sanctum. Yet another says that the King, during hunting, found a Cross and allotted the ground to build the sanctum. Another belief is associated with Tippu Sulthan-a renowned warrior and ruler. It is believed that Tippu persuaded an outcaste Namboodhiri to loot the riches of the locality. Tippu looted the riches, but was scared of the Holiness of the Cross, exempted the Church and the “Nasranis” from his blitz.
Years later, during excavation, evidence of having ancient Churches in the region was found out. Apart from this, during renovation of the Church in 1989 more evidences were found of its historic past. It is amazing to notice that the Church is being built using teak wood, whereas the Cross placed in the Sanctum is made of Jack Wood. This has clear indication of its close affinity to the Hindu beliefs and customs of those period. i.e. The then populace was not at all liberated from the deeply rooted cultural and religious values. There are historic evidences that from 335 A.D. Annual Festival were celebrated in the name of Holy Cross in the Holy Church. It is also found that the Cross placed in the Church was built under Persian influence ( Cross Without Christ) – a clear indication of the dominance of the Kaldaya sect. Under these circumstances, a presumption of having Nasranis building the Church in the 4th or 5th Century cannot be ruled out.
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