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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Color Therapy

What is Color Therapy ? How Does It Work ?
Color Therapy is simply the therapy of using colors to heal. Certainly modalities of using color therapy to heal includes shining color lights on a person, being in a room painted in a particular color, wearing certain colored clothes, imagining colors shining upon you while sitting still with eyes closed, eating fruits and vegetables of certain colors, and wearing the color therapy glasses,
which was designed to make the use of color therapy convenient and affordable.

How does Color Work ?
Each color vibrates at a specific, individual frequency, as do the glands and organs of the body. Each color corresponds to a specific area of the body. Color vibrates true to frequency. It never deviates, but people deviate. The body is constantly being challenged in life, and is always working to maintain balance. When we are ill, the body is out of balance; the body is not functioning at its proper frequencies. A key to feeling better is to bring balance back to the area of the body that is the source of the illness.

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